May 27, 2013
Mr. Haj Mohamad lives with his family in Ramallah and works at Jawwal, the Palestinian telecommunications company. Mr. Haj Mohamad and his wife Fatima, who works at the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Planning, smiled and rejoiced upon receiving his land title deed from the UCI., Recalling his own story Mr. Haj Mohamad stated: “Since I am always on the run, due to my job, which requires constant travelling in the car, I listen to the radio quite often. After hearing the TABO advertisement on a local Palestinian radio, my emotions were immediately triggered and I was encouraged to own a piece of land in Palestine. TABO enables Palestinians to invest their money in a dunum of registered, title deed land in Palestine without any effort. It was then when I realized the true value of land and the real goal of TABO, which aims at protecting our Palestinian land from settlement expansion, which has been rapidly increasing in the last period”.
Mr. Haj Mohamad also added: “I immediately called UCI to view available land for sale. I was impressed by their easy payment plan, which allows the customer to finance parcel price with UCI directly, without interest fees. This grants Palestinian families, with limited income, the opportunity to invest in their homeland and leave a precious inheritance to their children and grandchildren to come. "
He continued: “Our life style in the city is very chaotic and busy, which made us look for tranquility, comfort and clean air as a getaway for our family when we seek a relaxing breath of fresh air, away from our daily stresses. This is the kind of feeling I can now enjoy after owning a piece of land in Farkha, Salfeet, which has a spectacular view that unites your soul with Palestine’s unique and beautiful nature”.
Mr. Haj Mohamad also spoke about the development projects carried out by UCI on TABO lands saying: “When visiting my piece of land in Farkha, I was taken away by the beauty of the view from one of the model villas constructed by UCI in that area. Thus, I decided that my next investment will be constructing a similar villa for my family on my land in Farkha, in order for us to enjoy privacy, luxury and true comfort.
Later he added: "TABO is a form of real resistance against the occupation, especially if we look at the settlement construction and the illegal confiscation of land in the Palestinian territories. These confiscations occur because there are no title deeds to prove the original owners’ right in their land.”.
Finally, Mr. Haj Mohamd praised the great efforts of UCI and thanked all those involved in such a national project, which sets an example of excellence and provides facilities that conform with the difficult economic situation facing Palestinians today.
It is worth noting that TABO has issued the first ever title deeds in the history of Farkha and Broqeen towns in Salfit District. TABO has reached hundreds of Palestinian families in Palestine and abroad by achieving its ultimate goal of expanding ownership of land in Palestine through registering hundreds of dunums, developing lands, and transforming them to residential neighborhoods and cities in the near future. UCI aims to develop these lands in compliance with the latest international standards, with a modern Palestinian touch in terms of construction,planting trees and gardening.